3. Peer-to-Peer Learning: Using the OSF as a Program-Based Graduate Training Repository

I’m defending my dissertation in a few days, and as a result, I have found myself reflecting on my experiences in graduate school over the last few weeks. Like many grad students, when not attending to my own work, I spent a lot of my time trying help other graduate students with theirs. Continue reading

2. The ggplot2 package: Your Gateway Drug to Becoming an R User

I am a frequent R user, but this wasn’t always the case. Though I have had R installed on my computer for about four years now, it has only been in the last year and a half that I turned a corner and began to use R on the near-daily. The ggplot2 package was a huge reason why, and I think if you are looking to become a more regular R user too, ggplot2 is a fantastic place to start. Continue reading